Monday, April 23, 2012

Ah yes of course... Long Hooks, musn't forget!

An inquiry came in for two 3-dhooks, one a 23 cm and the other a 28 cm bullnoser.  The
inquiry arrived shortly after I spent a large sum on advertising the great 3-dhook line in
the magazine Refurb & Renovation news (pge 59 of the April edition).

Having responded with cost details, I heard nothing in reply.  Impatient as ever, I rang the
customer at his office, a construction company in Essex.  He was very polite and appologetic
that he had not come back to us, but was undecided about size and needed to take a
fresh measurement.   He was delighted to find the website and said he used the term
Long Hook to find us.  I could not find us under this obvious term, so I am now going
to fill in the blank and correct the error.  Long Hooks will be featured for future reference
28 cm Long Bullnoser 3-dhook LONG HOOK
amongst our key words! Silly twit Younger, why didn't you think of that before???