Saturday, September 10, 2011

Great compliments for excellent coat hooks from!

It is always a great pleasure to receive a cheque in
the post as well as a great compliment from a highly
satisfied customer.  This morning two such incidents
have prompted me to put pen to paper and record the
satisfactory outcome for the completion of some coat hook business.  Quoting directly, a Scottish lady says:-  "Very many thanks for the excellent hooks.  There may well be another order coming mid 2012!"  And a second gentleman from Berkshire who ordered some of our largest 28 cm Bullnoser 3-hooks, reported  "I love the hooks and so do my friends who have seen them.  Excellent value and quite different from what else is out there!  Cheers".  All I can say is 'Roll up, Roll up' there are plenty more for the asking!