Sunday, May 16, 2010

Summer doldrums for coat hooks

All is quiet as people shed their outer layers of clothing for another season of warmth, sunshine (hopeful?!) and balmy days.  Coats, jackets, hats and all are firmly put out of sight and few think of
those awful coat hooks that are usually over-loaded and oh so inconvenient.  That is the least of my
concerns as a substantial customer has asked me to confirm prices for the next year or two.  Now
there's a problem. With currencies gyrating all over hell's half acre, just who on earth can figure out
what to charge X months hence.  Will there even be a world economy left I ask myself in darker moments of economic despair!  My goodness I have got it... quote prices for coat hooks in ounces of gold
( that would be nice!), or perhaps ounces of silver.  Oh Lord why make life so complicated? Why is man
destined to be governed by other men- all mere mortals, who think they know everything.  Our fresh faced prime minister and his side kick should take heed that I, governor of the bank of,
strongly suggest slashing all government salaries the bigger they are the greater the cut.  Yes that's the
place to start.  I expect there will be less custom for the old hooks business. Oh drat!