Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Strong Coat Hooks and attractive design for rebuild in Chiswick

Have to admit things have been quiet in the new year so far, except for North American exports
of a further 300 3-dhooks, assorted sizes and styles. However, in the last few days some very encouraging business has rolled in.  Firstly from the lovely Isle of Jura came a really great email from
a new customer....
"Where and how we live means we always have a multitude of wet heavy jackets etc, and most of our coat hooks are now broken (just purely under the weight). As we don't have much to choose from in the way of hardware shops I thought I'd have a wee look online to see what was available. Your site came up just below half way down the first page on Google under 'strong coat hooks'. Loved the look of you're hooks so thought it was pursuing - then noticed that you're in Scotland - even better!"   
How grateful we are to please a new customer who has
made a special effort to find exactly what she wants to fill her needs. Also what more romantic setting can there be for our unique coat hooks than Jura?

From London came a demand for a useful set of Bronze 16 cm Simple 3-dhooks.   An architect had been instructed by his customer to use the 3-dhooks and when asked how they had discovered the web site, it was obvious they had been very conscientious indeed and drilled down in the Google search results for oat hooks, finally alighting upon
on the fifth page.  My goodness we used to be top of page one... but Google has fallen asleep and offers quantity at the top rather than quality and innovation.  What a pity!  Hard
luck for the searchers who really want something  far better than the standard rubbish!