Friday, May 13, 2011

Super coat hooks for a super company and MD!

Party Time for 3-dhooks!
The phone rang and rang. I wasn't  there. The caller left his message, name McEwan, phone number and reason for calling... "Would like to buy some 3-dhooks, please call back."   The voice was firm and strong, confident and assured. The accent a broad and clear Scot.  I called back and left a message. A while later I texted as I needed to work in the carpentry room.  Shortly after, the mobile sang out loudly and it was McEwan calling back.  He wanted several medium 23 cm bullnoser coat hooks and a dozen 16 cm simple coat hooks.

A handsome order indeed, but what was more gratifying was that McEwan was a managing director of a construction company and he had patiently drilled down several pages of Google's results for the term Coat Hooks to find exactly what he imagined.  Now that is true dedication and the result, which I am very pleased about and proud of, was that he had rejected every other coat hook in hook related websites until he finally found exactly what he needed.  Chalk another one up for Younger Enterprises and the all conquering 3-dhook set!

It also begs the question of why do products that are so often nothing more than dull and boring get
the highest rankings in the search engine's returned listings?  It should be quality first and then the, how can one be polite, .... rubbish?!

1 comment:

the occasional pat said...

And so say all of us who have found you, great products and such a nice man too!