Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Searching for great hooks - yes it can work even on Google

After the titanic problems recently highlighted, puns abounding viz sunk costs, titanic loss, and hook line and sinker, we return to more mundane issues.  Yesterday a hook searcher from Ayr alighted upon the 3-dhooks website and ordered a magnificent single hook.  In fact she was attracted to the 23 cm Bronze Age Bullnoser coat hook and evidently had searched hard through pages two and down on into page 3 of the Google coat hook listings.  Finally she sighted the great and good hooks that are uniquely on offer from Younger Enterprises.  Her problem was how to cope with wet and dirty doggy gear without having to drape it against the wall of her conservatory and thus dirty the wall..

Solution to this hanging problem, clearly the 3-d hooks fitted the bill of being sufficiently large to cope with said items and enable the hanging thereof and simultaneous preservation of the local decor without muddy walls, or at least its minimisation !
I can but quote from the good lady herself as wider issues present and the prospect of further business is clear to see...

" Impressed by your web site and products - found via a fairly deep google search for a special hook that we could dry our wet dog walking gear on - wanted something to keep it off the wall of our very small conservatory - hook looks like it will do the job of a hat/coat stand.
Lots of other interesting hooks on your list - some of which I hope to make use of in future".

23 cm Bronze Bullnoser Coat Hook
Just the sort of email I like to read. Perfecto!