Blowing one's own trumpet may be despicable, but when praise is received in such measure, who am I to hide the 3-dhook light under a bushel? A charming letter arrived on the doormat yesterday from customer Nicola in the Reading area. A simple project of refurbishing the wash house called for some fresh thinking in the coat hook department.
Not much in the way of innovation out there one thinks, but luckily Nicola spent some time searching the net and up popped the 3-dhooks web site with the ideal solution. Here's what she had to say...
" Thank you so much for the very speedy delivery of our 5 hooks. They are more beautiful than the website shows and the finish on them is wonderful. We will be hanging our coats on them in no time at all! Please find the enclosed payment and we will be telling our friends of your website."
Another customer in Cornwall required hooks appropriate for his period property. He searched the web for a long time and frustrated finally put in the search box everything he wanted brass hooks swivel hooks, antique hooks. Using Yahoo, he was thrilled to
find www.3-dhooks.com and reported that we had the best website for coat hooks that he had visited. And so say all of us!