One wonders how anyone copes in these highly fluid times with the decisions to be made about
sourcing of supplies and the pricing thereof. China is getting more expensive but is still very much
the low cost source for many goods. One reads about large wage increases over there and that the
currency peg to the dollar is slipping to ease world economic tensions.... A recent quote for supply of our 3-dhooks was three times the previous amounts paid! Goodness me how will the Germans so strict on pricing and worried about inflation cope with a trebling of prices?! Answer is of course they would stop
buying and only the strictest control of costs govern where their business is allocated.
But what about manufacturing in the UK? Would love to do that and gain better control over production and much, much shorter lead times. That is a nice solution to muse about but where is the manufacturing
base for relatively simple goods to which one can turn for a quote? Any takers out there? We are in
a pickle with this world so fickle and one wonders about closing shop as the struggle is overwhelming and the solution so cloudy. Should 3-dhooks disappear off the market and with it a great idea, exports from the UK and local activity for delivery firms, accountant, book keeper, suppliers etc.