Sunday, August 1, 2010

America calling 3-dhooks. Your bronze coat hooks are wanted!

Every once in a while we receive demand from the USA direct rather than through our long time carrying agent Lee Valley Tools. ( I have to say we are especially proud that we work with Lee Valley, a top class outfit!).  Most recently a customer in South Carolina had purchased 10 simple 3-dhooks and a further 10
23 cm medium bullnoser 3-dhooks both from Lee Valley.  However as LV do not stock our Bronze Age
hooks, the customer, a self confessed hook nut, came direct to Scotland to fill his requirement for 10 bronze coat hooks.   A discussion ensued as it always does since the postage charge is rather high, and
the customer is left with the choice of proceeding or not.  We offered to bring them over to N America
within a few weeks as we would be visiting Toronto, but the need was more pressing, so we await the
decision at the time of writing.  All said and done, it is a cheery thought that a home in South Carolina
16 cm Simple Bronze 3-dhook
will sport 30 off 3-dhooks of which we are justly proud.  God bless America!  You are not done yet...