Monday, May 24, 2010

Sake's alive... a customer!

This recession is very, well extremely, demoralising.  Days drift by and the arid market for decent
quality coat hooks has virtually dried up.  Perhaps, me thinks, the grim reality of harsh economic times
has settled four square on the spending habits of Joe Public, the about to be thrashed consumer in our once opulent land.  Where is our Empire? Where's our money.  Goodness Gordon Brown did his best
to spend the future by his generosity to those in our country who need a job but couldna wouldna didna
wanna work as benefits and welfare were just too comfy. Aaarrrgggghhhh! Where's my gun! Too late, we're in a colossal hole, an eternal quagmire so sticky that only the American and Chinese helicopter
rescue teams combined might just save the day. But wait, the Yanks are as bust as we are.  The helicopter
they have is on its last legs. Oh inflation come our way, print that money of Bank Governors, its what you are good at and for which you get paid a very comfortable wage.  Gold you shine ever brighter. Time
to buy buy buy!  But hark a customer arriveth for 3 good solid hooks. Brilliant and thank you for visiting!