Orders from Germany- please we want 30 of your medium four prong hooks but
without any paint or colouring. An unusual request.... so first we gave them the option
of 30 bronzed hooks rather than 30 powder coated hooks. We'll see what their reaction
is and hope they will be pleasantly surprised by that alternative... Expect to hear from
them tomorrow.
If not, it will be a rush job to sand blast the colour off 30 hooks or at least get a price
for that and an emergency shipping over to Germany to keep them happy for Christmas!
Time will tell how this one works out...
As it turns out, our efforts to strip took much longer than expected and so the customer vanished
into thin air. Oh well c'est la vie and now we have 30 hooks needing a decent finish of some
sort. Thought I would try a nickel finish and see how they look.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Just a quick post as one really can't overlook such a
pleasant comment received yesterday with a cheque in payment
for 8 Large Swivel Brass coat hooks! Thank you Harriet in
Oxon, it was our pleasure to do business too!
Service is at the top of our work approach as it seems to
be lacking in many other web based businesses from the
comments we receive. For instance, we hear such comments
as "Cheque on delivery? It has been a long time since we
had such service and trust!"
This is our brand of business.
pleasant comment received yesterday with a cheque in payment
for 8 Large Swivel Brass coat hooks! Thank you Harriet in
Oxon, it was our pleasure to do business too!
Service is at the top of our work approach as it seems to
be lacking in many other web based businesses from the
comments we receive. For instance, we hear such comments
as "Cheque on delivery? It has been a long time since we
had such service and trust!"
This is our brand of business.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The halo effect!
Letter just in from satisfied coat hook customer!
"Dear Michael
Thank you again for your wonderful service.
It's a pleasure to do business with you.
Kind regards..."
Says it all in a few words, succinctly. Ah the sun shines in
the world of ironmongery and coat hooks.
Letter just in from satisfied coat hook customer!
"Dear Michael
Thank you again for your wonderful service.
It's a pleasure to do business with you.
Kind regards..."
Says it all in a few words, succinctly. Ah the sun shines in
the world of ironmongery and coat hooks.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Another winner for 3-dhooks, the world's 'greatest' coat hooks
As they say, I am sooooo happy with a few recent orders that in my
humble view reflect the true worthiness of the 3-dhook family set
of coat hooks. How grand to receive an inquiry that gets straight to
the point...
" Good products! It took me a couple of hours browsing to find the hook I wanted - long and deep so coats are separated from each other so not having to take one off to get one underneath... and visible. Congrats!"
Now here in lies the nub of a problem. Are the search engines giving the customers some results they can use, or just regurgitating the same big old, tired old, boring and dull? Well rather. So folks the message is DIG DEEPER. Search on the sunny side of the road and don't be put off if the good old search engines just leave you in the shade!
humble view reflect the true worthiness of the 3-dhook family set
of coat hooks. How grand to receive an inquiry that gets straight to
the point...
" Good products! It took me a couple of hours browsing to find the hook I wanted - long and deep so coats are separated from each other so not having to take one off to get one underneath... and visible. Congrats!"
Now here in lies the nub of a problem. Are the search engines giving the customers some results they can use, or just regurgitating the same big old, tired old, boring and dull? Well rather. So folks the message is DIG DEEPER. Search on the sunny side of the road and don't be put off if the good old search engines just leave you in the shade!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
There's a heart beat in hook land.
After a few ggrrrr moments lately, there's a smile on my face today. A customer in Oxfordshire
with three small children protested that all their coats were on the floor and the work on his new
home was never ending. Finally, at the end of his tether, he resolved to sort out this particular
problem. A quick Google for coat hooks, second page and there hey presto was the solution.
Clearly requiring lots of hanging capacity, the only coat hooks worth their salt were those offered
by Younger Enterprises and in particular their own design set of 3-dhooks.
Sensing his mounting panic for a quick delivery, the 13 hooks were parcelled up and sent off
by first class post (hopefully arriving Saturday morning). Pleased with our efforts to meet his
urgent need, he emailed a kind and generous letter of praise. Now it is up to the Post Officeto get off its ... and deliver on time!
with three small children protested that all their coats were on the floor and the work on his new
home was never ending. Finally, at the end of his tether, he resolved to sort out this particular
problem. A quick Google for coat hooks, second page and there hey presto was the solution.
Clearly requiring lots of hanging capacity, the only coat hooks worth their salt were those offered
by Younger Enterprises and in particular their own design set of 3-dhooks.
Sensing his mounting panic for a quick delivery, the 13 hooks were parcelled up and sent off
by first class post (hopefully arriving Saturday morning). Pleased with our efforts to meet his
urgent need, he emailed a kind and generous letter of praise. Now it is up to the Post Officeto get off its ... and deliver on time!
Monday, October 3, 2011
It's a GGGGgggrrrrrrrr day for 3-dhooks
Blow up the world, I am on poor form! One gets such days and this one has been simmering
for about a week. Two decent inquiries for brass swivel hooks and a coat rack, promised a decent
bit of business. Emails received, politely answered, promptly too. But hark where are the customer
replies me wonders. Follow up phone calls ( one to North Carolina, USA) and left messages elicit
a big, fat zero response. Does my 'breath smell' (!) I ask? What's the point of requesting a response
to a need and the just leaving the answer to gather dust in the gutter. Yup, it's a gggrrrrrr day. Don't
bother to ask how I am. There is a big cloud over my head and a pit bull terrier spitting venom
just waiting to grab the nearest passer by. Customers welcome. Spoil sports, ahem whilst I clear
my thoughts and arrange for a more christian response!
for about a week. Two decent inquiries for brass swivel hooks and a coat rack, promised a decent
bit of business. Emails received, politely answered, promptly too. But hark where are the customer
replies me wonders. Follow up phone calls ( one to North Carolina, USA) and left messages elicit
a big, fat zero response. Does my 'breath smell' (!) I ask? What's the point of requesting a response
to a need and the just leaving the answer to gather dust in the gutter. Yup, it's a gggrrrrrr day. Don't
bother to ask how I am. There is a big cloud over my head and a pit bull terrier spitting venom
just waiting to grab the nearest passer by. Customers welcome. Spoil sports, ahem whilst I clear
my thoughts and arrange for a more christian response!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Great compliments for excellent coat hooks from 3-dhooks.com!
It is always a great pleasure to receive a cheque in
the post as well as a great compliment from a highly
satisfied customer. This morning two such incidents
have prompted me to put pen to paper and record the
satisfactory outcome for the completion of some coat hook business. Quoting directly, a Scottish lady says:- "Very many thanks for the excellent hooks. There may well be another order coming mid 2012!" And a second gentleman from Berkshire who ordered some of our largest 28 cm Bullnoser 3-hooks, reported "I love the hooks and so do my friends who have seen them. Excellent value and quite different from what else is out there! Cheers". All I can say is 'Roll up, Roll up' there are plenty more for the asking!
the post as well as a great compliment from a highly
satisfied customer. This morning two such incidents
have prompted me to put pen to paper and record the
satisfactory outcome for the completion of some coat hook business. Quoting directly, a Scottish lady says:- "Very many thanks for the excellent hooks. There may well be another order coming mid 2012!" And a second gentleman from Berkshire who ordered some of our largest 28 cm Bullnoser 3-hooks, reported "I love the hooks and so do my friends who have seen them. Excellent value and quite different from what else is out there! Cheers". All I can say is 'Roll up, Roll up' there are plenty more for the asking!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Welsh Holiday Home Seeks Super Coat Hooks
Business is a funny animal. Sometimes it is dormant, other times full of pleasant surprises.
Today was one of those that fell into the latter category. An email came in from a former, evidently
very satisfied, customer. Here's what she had to say..
I ordered some of your wonderful hooks a few years ago and am now back for more, please.
I'm after 6 x 28cm bullnoser hooks and would like to take up your current special offer too. Once we've established price and postage, when do you think I might get them? I'd love it if it was by 31st August, if possible.
Well, that was a good order but, and here I have to admit my lapse of memory, I had a spring
special offer on the website which enabled the good lady to get an extra half dozen 28 cm
simple 3-d hooks for free. Ouch. Never mind...will remove the offer asap.
Soon the 12.5 kilos of hooks were tightly packed and ready for a speedy delivery to a
delightful place in Anglesey. (I often check the address on Google Earth which reveals
where my little babies end up!). Final remark from the lucky customer...
All arrived safe and sound. Thank you for fabulous products and service, yet again!
Today was one of those that fell into the latter category. An email came in from a former, evidently
very satisfied, customer. Here's what she had to say..
I ordered some of your wonderful hooks a few years ago and am now back for more, please.
I'm after 6 x 28cm bullnoser hooks and would like to take up your current special offer too. Once we've established price and postage, when do you think I might get them? I'd love it if it was by 31st August, if possible.
Well, that was a good order but, and here I have to admit my lapse of memory, I had a spring
special offer on the website which enabled the good lady to get an extra half dozen 28 cm
simple 3-d hooks for free. Ouch. Never mind...will remove the offer asap.
Soon the 12.5 kilos of hooks were tightly packed and ready for a speedy delivery to a
delightful place in Anglesey. (I often check the address on Google Earth which reveals
where my little babies end up!). Final remark from the lucky customer...
All arrived safe and sound. Thank you for fabulous products and service, yet again!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Oak Coat Rack for London lady..
Just back from an enjoyable spell in Austria ( not too brill on the weather front though).
The phone didn't take long to herald a new customer searching for a decent coat rack.
Those in the stores a full 20 inches long with brass coated plastic hooks, I am sure you
know the ones, just would not do. She had moved down to London from Edinburgh where
a strong and useful set of hooks used to do the job for her.
Fortune favours the brave and quick search for Bespoke Coat Racks turned her to Younger
Enterprises 3-dhooks.com
We rapidly discussed the options and alighted upon a simple oak rack with 7 classic brass
coat hooks. A day later, job done and the rack was dispatched to a satisfied customer who
admired the work via an emailed photograph. So pleased to 'rack up' another one ( pun
To finish off the story, here's her comment on receipt of her bespoke oak coat rack:-
" The rack has just arrived and I am thrilled with it - I know my husband will be too. Thank you very much indeed. I'm off out now and will pop the cheque in a postbox on my way. Best wishes, Claudine."
The phone didn't take long to herald a new customer searching for a decent coat rack.
Those in the stores a full 20 inches long with brass coated plastic hooks, I am sure you
know the ones, just would not do. She had moved down to London from Edinburgh where
a strong and useful set of hooks used to do the job for her.
Fortune favours the brave and quick search for Bespoke Coat Racks turned her to Younger
Enterprises 3-dhooks.com
We rapidly discussed the options and alighted upon a simple oak rack with 7 classic brass
coat hooks. A day later, job done and the rack was dispatched to a satisfied customer who
admired the work via an emailed photograph. So pleased to 'rack up' another one ( pun
To finish off the story, here's her comment on receipt of her bespoke oak coat rack:-
" The rack has just arrived and I am thrilled with it - I know my husband will be too. Thank you very much indeed. I'm off out now and will pop the cheque in a postbox on my way. Best wishes, Claudine."
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Hooks to go...
The rain has abated and we await the arrival of a large truck to collect a decent
pile of 3-dhooks, destined for the export market. Younger Enterprises
are proud of their long record of garnering the greatest portion of annual sales
from the export markets. This activity has now been carried out in excess of ten years.
Somebody tell Downing Street that we require recognition for succeeding in the face
of all odds. It has been quite a task to juggle all the variables so as to end up with a
happy state of economic affairs in the manufacturing sector. One must say there have been
times when the local county council policy on supporting businesses with long term
potential, seemed to completely be in direct opposition to our own economic efforts.
How on earth do local government politicians, with zip business experience, know
anything about sustainable long term business when they can't even run a balanced
economic affair that they pretend to know about ie local government? Ah well the
end of our economic and political madness is at hand as we drown in debt and they
can but offer us more spending and yet more debt.
Here's a picture of the load of super Younger hooks and coat hooks that are about to leave
for the continent! Cheers- and so say all of us!!
pile of 3-dhooks, destined for the export market. Younger Enterprises
are proud of their long record of garnering the greatest portion of annual sales
from the export markets. This activity has now been carried out in excess of ten years.
Somebody tell Downing Street that we require recognition for succeeding in the face
of all odds. It has been quite a task to juggle all the variables so as to end up with a
happy state of economic affairs in the manufacturing sector. One must say there have been
times when the local county council policy on supporting businesses with long term
potential, seemed to completely be in direct opposition to our own economic efforts.
How on earth do local government politicians, with zip business experience, know
anything about sustainable long term business when they can't even run a balanced
economic affair that they pretend to know about ie local government? Ah well the
end of our economic and political madness is at hand as we drown in debt and they
can but offer us more spending and yet more debt.
Here's a picture of the load of super Younger hooks and coat hooks that are about to leave
for the continent! Cheers- and so say all of us!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Celebrate. Hooks, salvaged, arriving soon!
Yes folks, the good news is that after a very trying time, Younger's fresh supply of the ubiquitous
3-dhooks are arriving in Fife on Monday following a delay of several weeks. Outstanding orders will be filled shortly thereafter. So roll up, roll up and get your orders in early for these unique hanging devices the likes of which have never been seen on earth ( well unless you have bought them from us already!)
Here's a picture of a Dundee customer celebrating the good news, overjoyed with the appearance of
her favourite coat hooks. A cheery wee lass indeed.
3-dhooks are arriving in Fife on Monday following a delay of several weeks. Outstanding orders will be filled shortly thereafter. So roll up, roll up and get your orders in early for these unique hanging devices the likes of which have never been seen on earth ( well unless you have bought them from us already!)
Here's a picture of a Dundee customer celebrating the good news, overjoyed with the appearance of
her favourite coat hooks. A cheery wee lass indeed.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Coat Hooks, the story unfolds
May I say that the level of frustration with respect to our recuperation of the hooks that have gone astray, is taking an inordinate amount of time. The loss adjusters, who parade under the the name of Albatross and find their office in sunny Cyprus, seem to be taking their own sweet time to chivvy things along.
It is a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing...so confusion reigns and bureaucracy earns yet again the puny credentials so often evident where co-ordination and organisation should be paramount. As it stands now, I could willingly take one super sized 28 cm Bullnoser Hook and create a oak framed hanging device, the purpose of which would be to hang as many of the salvager's team thereupon. I bet we could manage three or four of them per hanging as long as a decent guage steel screw was used to secure the hook to the yard arm! What a luverly thought. Only trouble is, I probably would never recover the goods and I may end up on the end of my own hanging device as a grim reminder that time should be allowed to resolve such issues and being hot under the collar is not an attribute I should display, notwithstanding my Maltese roots! Arrrgggghhhh.
It is a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing...so confusion reigns and bureaucracy earns yet again the puny credentials so often evident where co-ordination and organisation should be paramount. As it stands now, I could willingly take one super sized 28 cm Bullnoser Hook and create a oak framed hanging device, the purpose of which would be to hang as many of the salvager's team thereupon. I bet we could manage three or four of them per hanging as long as a decent guage steel screw was used to secure the hook to the yard arm! What a luverly thought. Only trouble is, I probably would never recover the goods and I may end up on the end of my own hanging device as a grim reminder that time should be allowed to resolve such issues and being hot under the collar is not an attribute I should display, notwithstanding my Maltese roots! Arrrgggghhhh.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Searching for great hooks - yes it can work even on Google
After the titanic problems recently highlighted, puns abounding viz sunk costs, titanic loss, and hook line and sinker, we return to more mundane issues. Yesterday a hook searcher from Ayr alighted upon the 3-dhooks website and ordered a magnificent single hook. In fact she was attracted to the 23 cm Bronze Age Bullnoser coat hook and evidently had searched hard through pages two and down on into page 3 of the Google coat hook listings. Finally she sighted the great and good hooks that are uniquely on offer from Younger Enterprises. Her problem was how to cope with wet and dirty doggy gear without having to drape it against the wall of her conservatory and thus dirty the wall..
Solution to this hanging problem, clearly the 3-d hooks fitted the bill of being sufficiently large to cope with said items and enable the hanging thereof and simultaneous preservation of the local decor without muddy walls, or at least its minimisation !
I can but quote from the good lady herself as wider issues present and the prospect of further business is clear to see...
" Impressed by your web site and products - found via a fairly deep google search for a special hook that we could dry our wet dog walking gear on - wanted something to keep it off the wall of our very small conservatory - hook looks like it will do the job of a hat/coat stand.
Lots of other interesting hooks on your list - some of which I hope to make use of in future".
Just the sort of email I like to read. Perfecto!
Solution to this hanging problem, clearly the 3-d hooks fitted the bill of being sufficiently large to cope with said items and enable the hanging thereof and simultaneous preservation of the local decor without muddy walls, or at least its minimisation !
I can but quote from the good lady herself as wider issues present and the prospect of further business is clear to see...
" Impressed by your web site and products - found via a fairly deep google search for a special hook that we could dry our wet dog walking gear on - wanted something to keep it off the wall of our very small conservatory - hook looks like it will do the job of a hat/coat stand.
Lots of other interesting hooks on your list - some of which I hope to make use of in future".
![]() |
23 cm Bronze Bullnoser Coat Hook |
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Disaster strikes a blow against the mighty 3-dhook empire
We have been patiently awaiting the arrival of several pallet loads of hooks from the far
east to replenish stocks for the next few years. Well blow me down, an email arrives from the
shipping company to say that the ship had foundered and the salvagers called in to rescue
the containers and the ship. Well I never. What recompense for several months of hard work. Now
the task of recovery begins. The goods had to be offloaded onto barges and taken back to port. The ship
devoid of its weighty burden was refloated and goodness knows what they have done with it. They have their methods. Crazy but clever and ingenious people. A huge ship with a hole or two in its bottom.
Much to my relief I discover that we can get the goods again after the payment of a substantial fee. They
have to calculate an average value for the freight, every shipper has to be notified. All bills of lading and
invoices etc have to be submitted so that one can claim one's own after payment. Have to be big and swallow the cost... after all it's a 'sunk cost' and just pretend it never happened. But Younger, you dolt, you idiot, you mediocre piece of cheese cake next time insure your rubbish and don't rely on the great Germans and Chinese to not run their perishing boats onto the rocks!!!!
Indeed business carries its risks. And I might say even a mundane hardware business that barely figures on the horizon has its exciting moments. Personally I could do without this particular excitement!
east to replenish stocks for the next few years. Well blow me down, an email arrives from the
shipping company to say that the ship had foundered and the salvagers called in to rescue
the containers and the ship. Well I never. What recompense for several months of hard work. Now
the task of recovery begins. The goods had to be offloaded onto barges and taken back to port. The ship
devoid of its weighty burden was refloated and goodness knows what they have done with it. They have their methods. Crazy but clever and ingenious people. A huge ship with a hole or two in its bottom.
Much to my relief I discover that we can get the goods again after the payment of a substantial fee. They
have to calculate an average value for the freight, every shipper has to be notified. All bills of lading and
invoices etc have to be submitted so that one can claim one's own after payment. Have to be big and swallow the cost... after all it's a 'sunk cost' and just pretend it never happened. But Younger, you dolt, you idiot, you mediocre piece of cheese cake next time insure your rubbish and don't rely on the great Germans and Chinese to not run their perishing boats onto the rocks!!!!
Indeed business carries its risks. And I might say even a mundane hardware business that barely figures on the horizon has its exciting moments. Personally I could do without this particular excitement!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Super coat hooks for a super company and MD!
Party Time for 3-dhooks! |
A handsome order indeed, but what was more gratifying was that McEwan was a managing director of a construction company and he had patiently drilled down several pages of Google's results for the term Coat Hooks to find exactly what he imagined. Now that is true dedication and the result, which I am very pleased about and proud of, was that he had rejected every other coat hook in hook related websites until he finally found exactly what he needed. Chalk another one up for Younger Enterprises and the all conquering 3-dhook set!
It also begs the question of why do products that are so often nothing more than dull and boring get
the highest rankings in the search engine's returned listings? It should be quality first and then the, how can one be polite, .... rubbish?!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
3-d Coat Hooks - worth waiting for!
The customer request came in ...
I would like to buy 8 x 3-D hooks.
Please contact me to discuss.
Many thanks
I replied that we were having a Mediterranean break and could she please
wait until the end of the week for the discussion..."No problem, speak then. I have had hooks
from you before and would wait a year rather than buy any other!"
What a wonderful comment to receive that attests to the strength of the 3-dhook brand.
What is even more satisfying is the nature of the purchaser, a lady at the top of the
equestrian establishment. One could hardly be more delighted to have such a customer
and to receive the highest form of praise and feedback.
By contrast, I wouldn't hesitate to suggest The Juliani boutique hotel in St Julians, Malta
as a place to spend a short vacation. Overlooking Spinola Bay, here was a delightful
place to hang one's hat and from which to explore the island replete with history.
May I also recommend the Casa Rocca Picola in Valletta as a superb private house to
visit. One can pass an hour immersed in history within a private family setting. Wonderful!
I would like to buy 8 x 3-D hooks.
Please contact me to discuss.
Many thanks
I replied that we were having a Mediterranean break and could she please
wait until the end of the week for the discussion..."No problem, speak then. I have had hooks
from you before and would wait a year rather than buy any other!"
What a wonderful comment to receive that attests to the strength of the 3-dhook brand.
What is even more satisfying is the nature of the purchaser, a lady at the top of the
equestrian establishment. One could hardly be more delighted to have such a customer
and to receive the highest form of praise and feedback.
By contrast, I wouldn't hesitate to suggest The Juliani boutique hotel in St Julians, Malta
as a place to spend a short vacation. Overlooking Spinola Bay, here was a delightful
place to hang one's hat and from which to explore the island replete with history.
May I also recommend the Casa Rocca Picola in Valletta as a superb private house to
visit. One can pass an hour immersed in history within a private family setting. Wonderful!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
3-dhooks Website satisfies an Oregon customer
Great to hear from yet another American, this time from Oregon, who couldn't find
the right coat hooks for her home. As she says, she has searched high and low for something
like our Small Brass Swivel coat hook, code SSB, Is there any way to order direct, she
pleaded. No problem. We priced up the mail charge and offered her an all in price which
was highly acceptable, and bingo another satisfied customer. Amazing to think America
doesn't seem to offer everything and in this case, Scotland has come up with the goods.
We can all do with a bit more trade and exports even if it is in exchange for US dollars!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The flowers that bloom in the spring tra la!
Such joy is brought to the heart when one receives another wonderful response from a satisfied customer. I'll not beat about the bush but declare the content of the praiseworthy missive without
"Unbelievably your parcel arrived with yesterdays mail! The hooks look fantastic - completely unbreakable! I will send off a cheque right away - unfortunately our mail doesn't leave the island till Monday lunchtime - but hopefully you'll have it by Tuesday. Thank you very much for your excellent service."
This was the result of the following communication...
As we don't have much to choose from in the way of hardware shops I thought I'd have a wee look online to see what was available. Your site came up just below half way down the first page on Google under 'strong coat hooks'. Loved the look of you're hooks so thought it was pursuing - then noticed that you're in Scotland - even better!
"Unbelievably your parcel arrived with yesterdays mail! The hooks look fantastic - completely unbreakable! I will send off a cheque right away - unfortunately our mail doesn't leave the island till Monday lunchtime - but hopefully you'll have it by Tuesday. Thank you very much for your excellent service."
This was the result of the following communication...
As we don't have much to choose from in the way of hardware shops I thought I'd have a wee look online to see what was available. Your site came up just below half way down the first page on Google under 'strong coat hooks'. Loved the look of you're hooks so thought it was pursuing - then noticed that you're in Scotland - even better!
God bless the Isle of Jura and all who habit thereon. Perhaps, with luck, they'll all be
converted to hang up their gear on the world's greatest hooks- namely 3-dhooks
from Younger Enterprises!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Strong Coat Hooks and attractive design for rebuild in Chiswick
Have to admit things have been quiet in the new year so far, except for North American exports
of a further 300 3-dhooks, assorted sizes and styles. However, in the last few days some very encouraging business has rolled in. Firstly from the lovely Isle of Jura came a really great email from
a new customer....
"Where and how we live means we always have a multitude of wet heavy jackets etc, and most of our coat hooks are now broken (just purely under the weight). As we don't have much to choose from in the way of hardware shops I thought I'd have a wee look online to see what was available. Your site came up just below half way down the first page on Google under 'strong coat hooks'. Loved the look of you're hooks so thought it was pursuing - then noticed that you're in Scotland - even better!"
From London came a demand for a useful set of Bronze 16 cm Simple 3-dhooks. An architect had been instructed by his customer to use the 3-dhooks and when asked how they had discovered the web site, it was obvious they had been very conscientious indeed and drilled down in the Google search results for oat hooks, finally alighting upon www.3-dhooks.com
on the fifth page. My goodness we used to be top of page one... but Google has fallen asleep and offers quantity at the top rather than quality and innovation. What a pity! Hard
luck for the searchers who really want something far better than the standard rubbish!
of a further 300 3-dhooks, assorted sizes and styles. However, in the last few days some very encouraging business has rolled in. Firstly from the lovely Isle of Jura came a really great email from
a new customer....
"Where and how we live means we always have a multitude of wet heavy jackets etc, and most of our coat hooks are now broken (just purely under the weight). As we don't have much to choose from in the way of hardware shops I thought I'd have a wee look online to see what was available. Your site came up just below half way down the first page on Google under 'strong coat hooks'. Loved the look of you're hooks so thought it was pursuing - then noticed that you're in Scotland - even better!"
How grateful we are to please a new customer who has
made a special effort to find exactly what she wants to fill her needs. Also what more romantic setting can there be for our unique coat hooks than Jura?From London came a demand for a useful set of Bronze 16 cm Simple 3-dhooks. An architect had been instructed by his customer to use the 3-dhooks and when asked how they had discovered the web site, it was obvious they had been very conscientious indeed and drilled down in the Google search results for oat hooks, finally alighting upon www.3-dhooks.com
on the fifth page. My goodness we used to be top of page one... but Google has fallen asleep and offers quantity at the top rather than quality and innovation. What a pity! Hard
luck for the searchers who really want something far better than the standard rubbish!
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